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Hussein Mohammed Calls for Free and Fair FKF Elections as He Launches Presidential Bid

In a significant move for Kenyan football, Extreme Sports CEO Hussein Mohammed has officially announced his candidacy for the Football Kenya Federation (FKF) presidency. The launch took place today at the Kenya National Theatre, where Hussein outlined his vision for the future of Kenyan football. Emphasizing the importance of free and fair elections, Hussein’s bid aims to bring about much-needed reforms within the FKF.

Hussein Mohammed’s Background in Kenyan Football

Hussein Mohammed is no stranger to the Kenyan football scene. As the assistant chairman of FKF League side Muranga Seal, Hussein has been deeply involved in the development of the sport at various levels. His contributions to grassroots football, particularly through the successful organization of the Super 8 tournament, have earned him widespread recognition and respect within the football community.

Hussein’s involvement in football extends beyond administration. His passion for the sport has driven him to advocate for reforms that would ensure a more transparent and accountable FKF. His presidential bid, therefore, is seen as a natural progression of his longstanding commitment to improving Kenyan football.

Call for Free and Fair Elections

During his campaign launch, Hussein Mohammed made it clear that his top priority is ensuring that the upcoming FKF elections are conducted in a manner that is both free and fair. He emphasized that the electoral process must adhere strictly to the constitutional requirements and the laws of Kenya.

“The point here is that whatever we adopt has to meet the constitutional threshold and must be within the laws of the country,” Hussein stated during the launch. This sentiment reflects his commitment to upholding the integrity of the electoral process and ensuring that all stakeholders have a fair chance to participate.

Endorsement of the Revised Electoral Code

Hussein’s launch comes just a week after the FKF Annual General Meeting, where delegates unanimously endorsed the revised 2019/2020 Electoral Code. This revision is seen as a crucial step toward ensuring a transparent and credible election process. Hussein expressed his satisfaction with these developments, noting that they pave the way for an election that all stakeholders can trust.

“I am happy that the meeting took place and that we are looking forward to the polls, hopefully before the end of the year,” Hussein commented. “The adoption of the revised Electoral Code is a positive step, but we must remain vigilant to ensure that the process remains fair and within the legal framework.”

Hussein’s Vision for Kenyan Football

As a candidate for the FKF presidency, Hussein Mohammed brings a clear vision for the future of Kenyan football. His campaign is built on the pillars of transparency, accountability, and inclusivity. He believes that by adhering to these principles, Kenyan football can achieve its full potential on both the local and international stages.

Hussein has also been vocal about the need for reforms within FKF, particularly in how the federation is managed. He has consistently advocated for greater involvement of stakeholders at all levels, from grassroots clubs to top-tier teams. His experience in organizing the Super 8 tournament has provided him with insights into the challenges faced by football teams across the country, and he is committed to addressing these issues if elected.

Keeping His Cards Close to His Chest

Despite officially launching his campaign, Hussein Mohammed has remained tight-lipped about his running mate and campaign team. While he has been spotted with prominent sports personalities like former Harambee Stars player Dennis Oliech and McDonald Mariga, Hussein has not disclosed who will join him on his journey to clinch the FKF presidency.

This strategic silence has fueled speculation and curiosity among football enthusiasts and political analysts alike. However, it also underscores Hussein’s meticulous approach to his campaign, ensuring that every decision is made with careful consideration of its impact on his bid for the FKF’s top seat.

The Competitive Race Ahead

Hussein Mohammed’s entry into the FKF presidential race adds another dimension to what promises to be a highly competitive election. He joins a list of candidates that includes former FKF boss Sam Nyamwea, USA-based Sammy Kempes Owino, and Dennis Oliech. Each of these candidates brings a unique perspective and experience to the table, setting the stage for a robust and dynamic electoral process.

FKF elections Expected presidential Aspirants for the coming elections
FKF elections Expected presidential Aspirants for the coming elections

As the election draws nearer, stakeholders in Kenyan football will be watching closely to see how Hussein’s campaign unfolds. His focus on free and fair elections, coupled with his commitment to reform, positions him as a formidable contender for the presidency.

Conclusion: A New Era for Kenyan Football?

Hussein Mohammed’s presidential bid marks a potential turning point for Kenyan football. His dedication to transparency, fairness, and reform reflects the broader aspirations of many within the football community. As the FKF elections approach, the emphasis on a free and fair process will be crucial in determining the future leadership of Kenyan football.

With Hussein Mohammed at the helm, there is a growing sense of optimism that the next chapter of Kenyan football could be defined by greater inclusivity, accountability, and success on the pitch. Whether he emerges victorious or not, Hussein’s campaign has already set a high standard for what the FKF presidency should represent.



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